Dear Maisie, I hope you always know that it's all about the split seconds. It's not about the years from now, it's not the days from now. Even when it seems like you are moving towards something, you're not. You're in a moment. There is always stillness. Always. You may have to seek it out, you may have to change your view, but it's always there. There is always grace. There is always softness. Quiet. Peace. Even amidst chaos I hope you always know peace. A peaceful heart. Nothing is more beautiful. I hope you reach the point in your life when you can look back on your days before, the moments before, and know that they've all lead you to this very moment... and that they were all, in fact... perfect. Even when they didn't appear to be. I love you sweet girl. Your little face breaks my heart. You are... spectacular. oxoxxo love mom.
Head to the beach
Dear Maisie, When life and time seem to be moving a little too fast... head to the beach, and everything will easily reveal itself as simple and beautiful again. There's no searching for beauty... it just stares you straight in the face. Love, mom.
Simple treasures
Dear Maisie, There are simple treasures everywhere. You just have to choose to see them. Some of my most beautiful treasures are watching you with your dad. There is great beauty in moments. Heartbreakingly glorious moments. Today, we had a great mommy Maisie treasure hunt. I love to go in search of treasures.
A drive along the seemingly motionless sea, the light soft on the water, your voice dancing in my ears as you played with your bunny and kitty in the back seat. We strayed a little off course to "go find daddy". "Surprise him" we said. Unplanned, unexpected. You were saying "daddy...daddddy, where are you" and we searched through the isles for him. When you saw him, I thought your heart and his may burst. An unexpected joy. You crawled up onto his shoulder and hugged him for what looked like forever. In that moment, through my tear filled eyes, in that unplanned authentic moment of joy... the three of us were perfect. To me. For us.
The most simple treasures Maisie, are the best kind. There are treasures everywhere. I hope you always find them, even when you're not looking for them.
Love you sweet girl, Mom
Maisie is Two
Happy Second Birthday Maisie Lu, You. Are. Remarkable, unique.
Nature never repeats herself, and the possibilities of one human soul will never be found in another. -Elizabeth Cady Stanton
Your birthday will always be one of my favorite days, ever. My soul grew as you entered the world, and I found myself believing in miracles.
I love you Maisie Lucinda. You are our most precious and beautiful masterpiece. I feel so lucky that you chose us.
An endless sea of love, xooxxo Mom.
(ps. I can't believe I am posting photos of you in the same dress back to back, but come on, this day dress deserves two posts!)
To fly...
Dear Maisie,
If you know it is your choice to walk upon this earth, then you know... it is your choice to fly.
Love, mom. oxox