How it all started...

Jeremy Latham of Latham CommunicationsHow did I end up with a website? How did I end up with business cards? How did I wind up with a blog? The answer, is incredibly simple. Jeremy Latham.

I worked as a photographer on cruise ships for a number of years, not exactly as glamorous as I had invisioned, but completely worth every moment. Each contract would be between 6-8 months, and I would come home to Vancouver Island in the summers, photograph a few weddings, and head back out to sea for the winter months. Often when I would return home, I was unsatisfied with cruising, somewhat tired of the endless parties, the warm weather, exotic countries, and late night beverages on the outter decks of the ships (crazy I know).

Jeremy and I had already been friends for a decade. He knows me. He gets me. So one sunny summer afternoon in between contracts, I gave him a call. I noted that I wanted to do something different. Something else, something more. I was over ships. I was ready for change. I wanted him to design me business cards. He said no. I begged him. He said no. I didn't understand his resistance.

Thankfully, he knew a whole lot more than I did about starting a business, with a background in marketing and all kinds of experience. He knew that what I needed was a website and then business cards could follow. In the beginning, my website consisted of 10 photos. It was simple... but it was exactly what I needed to get going, to start my business.

When I have a technical question, I call Jeremy. When I have a business question, I call Jeremy. When I go through a breakup, I call Jeremy. When I need my website overhauled and updated, a new blog, more business cards, or new computers... yup, I call Jeremy. I am lucky that his girlfriend is wonderful, and doesn't mind my constant harassing. I also value that we've gotten to be closer over the years as well. So how fitting, that while staying with Bridget and Jeremy in Vancouver, while updating my website and creating a blog, I also photographed them as well! Jeremy, you are such a valuable part of my life! Sweet kiss @ the playgroundJeremy and Bridget smiling in black and whiteJer and Bridget through the stairsA black and white couple sitting on the rocksjer and bridget walking away

Seussical The Musical!

my sister singing in Seussical The MusicalThe last few weeks, my baby sister (who at 18 is no longer a baby) has been a part of an incredible musical theatre performance "Seussical" The musical is based on a series of Dr.Seuss stories, and is charged with quirky characters, vibrant colors and lots of fun!

Who knew that a handful of high school students, and a few choice teachers could create such magic. Auditions started in September 2007, with approximately 50 students trying out for only 19 spots. The chosen 19 practiced 3 times a week for the following 6 months, twice weekly for choreography, once weekly for vocals. All of their dedication, certainly paid off!

Thursday night, I took my two nieces to the performance. At ages 8 and 5, I was really hoping they would be able to make it through without getting bored, or falling asleep! Near the end of the performance, the youngest looked up at me with a look of dread... "is it almost over" I thought "oh no, they didn't like it" then she said... "I don't want it to end!!!" ahhh, it was a success. You know you've done something special when a 5 year old can sit on the edge of her seat, singing along to songs she's never heard. You know you've got a hit when an 8 yr old comes out saying... "Auntie Erin, I think they are right... when they sang that song that said... think how lucky you are.. we are really lucky, aren't we." We most certainly are!

I can promise you, that my high school grad class could have never pulled something like this off.

The shows were sold out for their 6 performances, with 176 seats each night! I believe they could have sold out for another few weeks. You could feel and see the amount of hard work, dedication, passion and heart everyone had for the project. What an amazing, talented and creative group of kids. What a wonderful performance. I cant stop thinking that in a world of instant messages, and instant gratification... how blessed we are that there are still incredibly talented human beings out there, willing to work hard and share their gifts with us all. How lucky we are.

Thank you to everyone involved and for Timberline for putting on such a wonderful performance, and for letting me see my baby sisters theatrical talents soar! Cat in the hat dancing onstageCat places Hat on JojoGertrude McFuzz gets her tail pluckedGertrude singing her songGertrude trying to hear the WhosYurtle sings with Cat holding micthe finale of Seussical the Musical

Oh Meigan!

little girl in tutu on the roadI used to work as a lifeguard/swimming instructor.

I would end up at the pool, irritated to be getting into my bathing suit, dreading the cold unfriendly water. Pick up my clipboard, scramble together a lesson plan and head down the deck begrudgingly. In every instance, no matter how bad my day had been, regardless of what kind of foul mood I was in at the time... as soon as those little people saw me, and started chirping in "hi teacher" with their ears poking out of their swim caps, goggles too big and crooked... it would have been inhuman not to brighten up. It was impossible to be cranky with 5 year olds eager to learn, eyes wide with excitement and anticipation. I would crack, smile and even laugh.

They got me. Every time.

My swim instructing days are long since over, and I often missed the innocence and pure beauty that kids bring to the world. How fitting then, that I photograph children now on a regular basis.

Yesterday I was having a bad day, one of those days. I was trying to pull myself around, pull my boots up... when along came Meigan and it all melted away. What a gorgeous little creation. What a joy to photograph. I hope you enjoy a few of my favorite images of a spirited, wonderful child, who in a blink of the eye, melted away any negativity and made me forget all about myself. What a fabulous job I have, and no, I don't miss the pool. smiling meigan in her tutu Little Gorgeous girl on a picnic table in a tutu meigan smiling ballerina running Little girl looking back