Dear Maisie, I hope you always know that it's all about the split seconds. It's not about the years from now, it's not the days from now. Even when it seems like you are moving towards something, you're not. You're in a moment. There is always stillness. Always. You may have to seek it out, you may have to change your view, but it's always there. There is always grace. There is always softness. Quiet. Peace. Even amidst chaos I hope you always know peace. A peaceful heart. Nothing is more beautiful. I hope you reach the point in your life when you can look back on your days before, the moments before, and know that they've all lead you to this very moment... and that they were all, in fact... perfect. Even when they didn't appear to be. I love you sweet girl. Your little face breaks my heart. You are... spectacular. oxoxxo love mom.