Our chosen honey moon was a "family-moon" in Maui, with grandparents.
If you've travelled at all with kids, you know it's very possible that you will be "those parents" on the plane with the wild kids. Maisie was a dream, Elliot... Elliot turned us into "those people" on a few occasions. He was WILD. (in his defence also only 1.5 years old and fully supposed to be nuts) The most wild. Hilarious, wild, running, yelling, WILD baby. I'm pretty sure the title of this post could very well be "Chasing Elliot" because that is all any of us really did... however, it was awesome. Maisie was in her swimming pool loving glory, convincing someone to always go to the pool with her. We had mini adventures and even a couple nights with just Bryce and I. All in all pretty freaking great. Without my parents, impossible! (or possible but FAR less enjoyable) Thank you mom and dad for joining us on our family-moon!!! The thing about Maui that I'm addicted to is the sunsets. The sunsets alone are worth everything to me. That light, is just something so magical. To walk out after dinner, into a serious warm and magical paradise? What is not to love??? To feel that warm breeze, be swallowed up in those orangey, reddy, purplish, golden sunsets.... I'm in. All day long. My dear friend Lucy used to always say "lets sit somewhere with good food, company... fresh air and a fabulous view" and, our family vacation in Maui was all of those things. Sweet memories with our kids and my parents. Doesn't get much better. Lucky. xo