Dear Maisie,
On Saturday you turn four.
Sometimes I wonder how I am, as a parent. If I'm good. If I'm teaching you enough, sharing enough, loving enough. And then, as though on cue you'll say "this is the best day ever mom". or "I love my family" or "I have a lot of love for Avery" (your bff) and my soul feels full. You see, I hope that the most beautiful gift we will ever be able to give you is a good attitude. A positive outlook. The ability to choose to see beauty when all signs may point to yucky. When I see you dance around in the sunlight, run around in scooby doo boy "panties" and gumboots, hug your dad unprompted and say "you are the best dad ever", or kiss your baby brother on the head... it makes me smile. You are wild, free, loving and kind. You have your moments. The meltdowns. We have our moments, our power struggles. But, I can see you shine. I can see that you know that every day really is the best day ever or at least could be. I see that, and know that your life will be filled with love and adventure. Four years in this life Maisie. Four lucky, fabulous years. What a marvel you are. You are joy. You are miraculous, miles from ordinary. I hope you always are able to see the potential for the best day, in every day. I love you sweet girl,
Happy fourth birthday,
xoox Love mom.