Wrapping it all up.

2011 ending. Reflections flicker past closing eyelids as the lights go out. Remembering all that has passed. Dogs barking, babies laughing, crying... learning to talk. Rain falling, Adele playing, images from various photo shoots floating by. Glimpses of moments all tied up in a year. Furniture rearranged, wine bottled, wood stove burning, wild pup finally sleeping. Reflections from a full year. New ideas, old ideas, photos printed, canvases hung. Toys organized, baby clothes boxed and tucked away, taking a good look at my self. Examining weakness, looking at strengths, deciding what to do with both. Wrapping up 2011 into a neat little package is nearly impossible. In my own quiet way I am busy coming to peace with mistakes and victories of 2011. I am wrapping it all up... inside first. There will be more to share... later. For now... may you reflect gently on your 2011 and look at creating a more beautiful 2012. Anything is possible. May all your wishes come true.