This was one of those wedding, that I knew... without a doubt would be perfect.
Lukas is the most organized self proclaimed groom-zilla I've ever encountered. Definitely not in a negative way, but in a hilarious, obsessive list writing, detail focused sort of way. Note: matching his tie to his baby girls dress. Not only adorable, but rather endearing don't you think? In any case, their wedding was sunny, and bright, and full of love, and smiles, and laughter. The whole experience was exactly as I had suspected, perfect.
Robyn and Lukas chose to have their photos with their wedding party and their 'not so formal' portraits done pre ceremony, which I really love. I think it allows everyone to look fresh and flawless for the photos, and then continue on their wedding day to pay all of their attention to their ceremony, their guests and their reception. I'm pretty sure the guests appreciate it too!
In any case, here are the fabulous Robyn, Lukas and their show stopping-ly (fully aware that is not a word, but it's my blog I'll do as I like) adorable little girl Adelyn. Congratulations you guys!!! The pleasure was truly all mine!!!
Just brace yourself for the cuteness
Yes, that was cute... but feast your eyes on the next few images... HOW CUTE IS SHE?
I really love this photo.
And I'll leave you with one of sleeping beauty back at the reception.