
Sonora Resort is nothing short of spectacular. Joanne and Dan are wonderful. The weather was stunning. I had a really great time. In fact, so much so... that flying away in the float plane overlooking our amazing scenery, I thought... that didn't feel a thing like work.

The forecast the day before was calling for 90% chance of rain. 90%, thats a pretty good chance it will rain. I could have been stressed out, like I would have gotten a few years ago. Could have obsessively checked the weather channel, could have. But didn't. As I started to reflect on why I was so incredibly calm about the weather I realized that most of my favorite wedding images, have had a little bit of rain in them. (some a lot of rain)

In any case, rain? There was none on Saturday. (Today, however there is rain and wind and wild weather) Favorite images from Sonora... there are a lot! Have a look at Dan and Joannes amazing wedding I had the pleasure of photographing on Sonora Island.

They got ready together, non traditionally. Which i loved. On the short trip to the ceremony, to say their vows.

90% chance of rain.

I just have to upload this image, before I whirl around arms open wide shouting 'yahooo'. Joanne and Dan's wedding was amazing. Sonora Resort, is out of control beautiful. My weekend was perfect. (aside from the fact that dear sweet Franko dug a hole in my parents back yard.) The studio is almost ready and looks incredible. I am nearly beside myself with excitement.

In any case. That image, is all you get today. I have so much to share! Stay tuned!