Today is my due date.
This little boy if he was listening to the ultrasound tech, is supposed to arrive today.
These entire 40 weeks they say "February 7". I tried to initially trick myself and say I was due on February 14. That wore off. I'm due today, and here I sit... baby still happily hanging out in my belly. This time is a bit easier, I must confess. I was 7 days overdue with Maisie and thought each day was a new and cruel game the universe was playing on me. This time, I know the reward... so I wait. I distract. I distract some more (thank you online shopping and Bamboletta), try and play mind games with this unborn babe. "Nah, take your time." I realize there are reasons for everything. I am absolutely not complaining. All is well.
But, any woman who goes 'over due' knows that it is one of the more challenging waiting games you are faced with... until of course... the little miracles decides to make the grand appearance, and then suddenly... all is forgotten (or sort of). The pay off is worth it, the wait is worth it. But, if one more person says "almost there" to me.... things might get ugly.
I get it. I'm almost there. I won't be pregnant in two weeks. (although a little sooner entry would be nice).
So my little boy, come out when you're ready... but be nice to your mommy.
Maisie tells me "he's too big to come out".
I think "thats great sweetie". Just great.
To all you mommas out there growing these little beings... be grateful. Even when it gets rough. Be grateful your body is able to carry these little wonders into the world. There are so many mommas who would do anything to be in our shoes. Be grateful.
Perhaps as another distraction I'll do some more maternity photos today.
But for now... the above photo is one from a couple weeks ago. I feel as though I've doubled in size... but, thats just how I roll.
(the photo below is precious to me. Its been my view lately, and I love it.)
What to expect.
What can you expect when you're expecting another member of an already wonderful family?
You can expect your family to be more than it was before.
You can expect your ability to love to somehow expand. To stretch.
You can expect a sore body but a quiet excitement bubbling within your already beautiful family.
You can expect the connections shared within your family to branch out and become more beautiful than they already were.
You will anticipate someone special, but not know them yet... which makes the eventual meeting that much sweeter.
I love this family, growing another beautiful soul...
Looking forward to meeting the new addition, when he arrives.
This beautiful bunch look familiar?? They come all the way from Port Alberni to see me every time, and I couldn't be more thrilled to be such a big part of preserving their family history, and memories. Here they are expecting Blake... and when he arrived.
Maternal Musings
The thing I love about a maternity session with a first time momma, is that everything is unknown. That feeling that you want to control things, but you can't. You don't. You want to know when the baby will come, what the baby will look like, whose eyes? lips? You are praying for a healthy baby, a good birth. You are afraid of the unknown and terrified of not being good enough. You are expecting the worst, the best... the most. You have no idea what is about to happen. You are uncomfortable, like, seriously uncomfortable. You have gone through so much growing this baby and you have no idea, that the best really is yet to come. Or at least, that is how I was.
What I love about maternity sessions is that through the photos, you are transported outside of your own discomfort and fear, and are somewhere on the outside, looking in at the most glorious parts. The way you grew that baby. The way your body grew the eyes you are yet to know, the feet that will touch the earth, the hands that will draw all over your bathtub with crayons, the mouth that will say the whole alphabet at 21 months. The way you didn't know how to grow vital organs, but you did it anyways. The way you did your very best, even when you were convinced that you weren't.
The thing I love about a maternity session is that it is true love, struggle, devotion and unconditional love... celebrated. All you ladies growing people... You go girls. You grow those babies, you eat that chocolate, you cry, you laugh, you pee 25 times a night, you online shop, you cut your hair, you get a pedicure, and you celebrate you. Because you are awesome. Growing people is no small matter, and YOU should be celebrated.
Can't wait to share Bridget and Jeremy's beautiful baby photos {check back on Monday}. Their New Years baby Ben, has already arrived. {and he is INCREDIBLE} for now... here is their maternity session with their gorgeous Newfoundland pup Maggie. xo
A big, beautiful miracle.
Maternity sessions rank pretty high with me. I love them. Lately, I've been really loving sessions in my lovely clients homes. So personal, so comfortable and the potential for unique images is inspiring. I also love pregnancy craving stories. Like really love them. One friend kept sponges in her pocket, another scratched soap obsessively, another sampled dirt, I ate thousands of oranges and Tiffany can't get enough grapefruits. Like, drools when she thinks of them. I love it. So naturally, we had to have a few of her favorite fruits with us for their adorable session. Little Hudson and I couldn't get enough of the "night time"... "morning" pretend sleeping game, and their session couldn't possibly have been any more awesome. Tiffany is also an amazing dietician with an essential healthy food blog, where she wrote this about our session "I owe her a huge thank you for letting me step out of the daily slog of late pregnancy and see it through her eyes and for what it really is...a big, beautiful miracle." Amen sister. It really is a big, beautiful miracle, and I'm so excited to be able to be a part of your journey as a family. I cherish our sessions. I am beyond thrilled to meet their new little man.
(just a side note... whenever you see BOLD print on my blog there is always a link to something awesome, by clicking on the bold print!)
2011:Maternity Favorites
In 2011 I was blessed to cross paths with some incredibly beautiful women growing some pretty incredible people. Vancouver Island was the perfect backdrop for some of my favorite outdoor maternity photos of 2011. (many of which I haven't even had a chance to blog about yet!) Do you have favorites?? I'd love to know which maternity session from the great outdoors you loved the most! Thanks so much for stopping by. xo